世紀末美術とディーリアスとの関係を考えるうえで欠かすことのできない作品が、ゴーギャンの油彩画『ネヴァモア Nevermore』(→これ)である。
ディーリアスとゴーギャン Delius and Gauguin」。9月21日、しかし嗚呼、会場は倫敦だ。
Delius and Gauguin – A Conversation
A concert of music expressing significant exchanges
between composers and artists
Friday 21st September 2012, 7:30pm
Princess Alexandra Hall, Royal Over-Seas League
Midori Komachi (violin), Simon Callaghan (piano)
Frederick Delius (1862-1934) was an English composer, who
interacted with many artists and poets during his career in Paris
and Grez-sur-Loing. From his settlement in France from 1888
onwards, he met artists such as Gauguin, Munch, Daniel de
Monfreid and Rodin, with whom he interacted as friends and
whose works he admired. During his Paris years (1888-99), there
was also a circle of artists and composers who were brought
together by William Molard, an amateur composer who held an
open house for artists to exchange ideas.
This concert presents works by composers who interacted with
Delius and other artists in the “Molard Circle”. Through his
encounters with artists and their works, Delius’ style developed in
a particular way that could be linked with the development of style
during the post-impressionist period. A particular painting that
could be associated most closely with Delius’ music is Gauguin’s
Nevermore. Delius admired this painting. He bought it from
Gauguin in 1898, and hung it on the wall in his music room in
Grez, where he composed many works. Compared to Delius’
earlier works, which resemble the conventional structure of
Romanticism and reflecting influence of Edvard Grieg’s music, his
later works are extremely different – it is as if his music became a
mix of the mysterious colours against the vivid colours of
Nevermore. His palette of harmony developed a range from the
extremities of dark to brilliant colours, and was used in a way that
was similar to Gauguin’s expression of colours in Nevermore.
This concert would invite the audience to a journey through
Delius’ artistic encounters, an exploration of stylistic development
through visual colours and harmony. The programme is structured
around the life of Delius – starting with his very first Sonata for
violin and piano, and developing through his associates in the
circle, to finish with his last Sonata for violin and piano No.3.
Through these pieces, I hope to express the intimacy of ideas and
inspiration shared by composers and artists.
う、ううむ ・・・翼があったなら英京まで飛んで行きたいものだ。
Frederick Delius: Sonata for violin and piano B major (1892)
Edvard Grieg: Lieder,
transcribed for violin and piano by Émile Sauret
Claude Debussy: Sonata for violin and piano (1916)
Maurice Ravel: Sonata for violin and piano (1927)
Frederick Delius: Sonata for violin and piano No.3 (1930)
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